Bill Golden

Research Assistant Professor

Department of Agricultural Economics
Kansas State University
3627 FM 1473
Meridian, Texas 76665
(254) 644-8191

Dr. Golden’s research applies concepts from agronomy, engineering, and economics to study how producers and rural communities respond to the declining Ogallala Aquifer and possible conservation policies.  He also works extensively with land-water-related issues such as valuing irrigation water rights. His research group’s projects include:

  • Analyzing current social, policy, and economic frameworks in the Ogallala Aquifer region and identify incentives and policies to increase the adoption of adaptive strategies
  • Integrating hydrologic groundwater models with the economic decision models.

Dr. Golden's perspective on the Ogallala Water CAP: "This project provides an excellent opportunity for future collaboration on multi0state and multidisciplinary projects. The annual team meetings are an excellent idea and will provide a great forum for collaborator interaction and future project development. The USDA-ARS funded Ogallala Aquifer Project has been very successful in building teams and serving as a springboard from which to address other funded projects. Cooperation and collaboration between our two groups will be important.

I anticipate that this project will have a very positive impact on the portion of the high plains overlying the Ogallala aquifer. We will be providing science-based information to agricultural producers, state and local groundwater managers, and other stakeholders."


Selected Publications

soodle, L., B. Golden, and A. Featherstone. Factors Influencing Kansas Agricultural Farm Land Values.Land Economics. February, 2006. 82(1): 124-139.

Tsoodle, L.J., A. M. Featherstone, and B. Golden. Combining Hedonic and Negative Exponential Techniques to Estimate the Market Value of Land. Agricultural Finance Review. Fall 2007, 67(2): 225-239.

Wheeler, E., Golden, B., Johnson, J., and Peterson, J. Efficiency of Long-Term vs. Short-Term Water Rights Buyout. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Vol. 40(2): 493-501 (2008).

Johnson, J., P. Johnson, B. Guerrero, J. Weinheimer, S. Amosson, B. Golden, and E. Wheeler-Cook. Groundwater Policy Research: Collaboration with Groundwater Conservation Districts in Texas. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Vol. 43(3): 345-356 (2011).

Golden, B., & Johnson, J. (2013). Potential economic impacts of water-use changes in southwest kansas. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 5(2-3), 129-145.

Tewari, R., L. Almas, J. Johnson, B. Golden, S. Amosson, and B. Guerrero. Multi-Year Water Allocation: An Economic Approach towards Future planning and Management of Declining Groundwater Resources in the Texas Panhandle. Texas Water Journal, Volume 4, Number 1, 2013.

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