A central goal of our project is to help people easily find water conservation related information. Several of our project team members are also partners with the new Irrigation Innovation Consortium (IIC), whose goals are to: 

  • SERVE as a nucleus for irrigation innovation and technology adoption across the U.S. and internationally
  • ACCELERATE the development and adoption of water and energy efficient irrigation technologies and practices
  • DEVELOP new synergies via collaborative public-​private partnerships to create water productivity innovation in agriculture and the irrigated landscape
  • PROVIDE technical expertise regarding irrigation innovation and technology
  • CIRCULATE materials on the advancement of new technologies and management approaches for irrigated landscapes

The IIC strategically capitalizes on existing strengths to develop powerful synergies between the universities, USDA-​ARS, the Irrigation Association, the Irrigation Foundation, the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (FFAR), and numerous irrigation equipment manufacturers to engage in joint collaborations of technology-​related demonstrations, tailored workshops, certifications, and student training.